

・This website provides information on scholarships for privately financed international students enrolled at Kyushu University.
・Before Kyushu University recommends the students to a foundation, we may have the screening within university first.

・Scholarship application process website

・About On-Campus Selection
 If you wish to apply for a scholarship for which the selection process is conducted on-campus, please submit the application documents required for on-campus selection directly to the International Student Exchange Division
 【Website with information on required documents and application requirements for on-campus selection.】
 【Website to obtain application forms for on-campus selection】
 *The application form for on-campus selection has a new format effective January 1, 2024. Be sure to obtain the new form from this site.
 【Link for submission of application documents for on-campus selection】
*You will need a password to access the site for submission. Passwords will be emailed to international students on a regular basis.

・ Email address for scholarship inquiries

・Website with Q&A on scholarship applications

*Regarding the scholarship still open, you can check the application guidelines and its outline (in Japanese and English) by the click of the name of the scholarship. Applicants are required to review the application guidelines and its outline.

Publication Date Scholarship Application
Stipends Eligibility Japanese Language Proficiency # of
Required Documents (for on-Campus Selection) Required Documents (for Foundation) Comment
e.g.can be applied w/o
Japanese proficiency
No Name of Scholarship Duration Area 2024 Giving
noneEnd. 1 KDDI Foundation Scholarship on-Campus Selection Available
6 nominations
\100,000 / month Master, Doctor *Applicants must be under 35 years old as of April 1, 2025.
**Applicants should be engaged in the research whose theme is related to Information Technology in the field of Law, Politics, Economics, Sociology, Culture, and Technology.
Applications submitted to the Foundation may be typed in English. 0 Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. (1)Application form for on-campus selection
(2)Transcript(a copy is acceptable)
(1)Application Form 1 (Prescribed form: Word file)
 This form is not submitted to the Foundation, but is used when the person in charge of the university registers the data in the Foundation's registration system.
 Can be filled out in English.
(2)Application Form 2 (Prescribed form: Word file)
 The application form must be prepared by data entry on a PC.
 However, the applicant's signature must be in his/her own handwriting.
 ・Brief Summary of your research
 ・Relationship between your research and telecommunications or information technology
 ・In what way are you benefitting the relationship between your country and Japan through your experience studying in Japan
 ・Main papers published(less than 5)
 ・Academic awards which you have received.
 ・Language Proficiency
 ・Main education and employment history, part-time jobs in Japan, and family members accompanying the applicant.
(3) Letter of recommendation from your supervisor (prescribed form: Word file)
 To be prepared by the supervisor using a PC data entry system. However, the signature must be handwritten.
(1) must be submitted as a Word file, and (2) and (3) must be submitted as PDF files.
*Adjustments will be made so that no more than half of all applications are from students of the same nationality. Only one international student per faculty advisor may be recommended.
*For those who receive scholarships, grants for tuition and living expenses, salaries, etc. from other institutions, adjustments will be made so that the total monthly amount of such assistance and the amount of the grant from the Foundation will not exceed 100,000 yen. However, scholarships from universities are not subject to adjustment (must be funded by the university).
6 or 12 months from April 1, 2025 Refer to the application information 0 Mid-January to early February 2025

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