
【3月8日開催】Exploring Leadership and Influence on International Women’s Day(締切3月4日)

In celebration of International Women’s Day, this workshop of the APWiL Mentoring Program will explore how to affect change as a woman leader. Three women leaders will share a story of a time when they influenced or affected change, highlighting the skills they used and the lessons they learned. After hearing from the leaders, workshop participants will engage in an interactive discussion to reflect on what they learned, their skills, and where and how they would like to have an impact, particularly in our current COVID-normal world.

  • 実施日:3月8日(火)10:00~11:15(日本時間)

    • スピーカー:
      Karima Bennoune, Homer G. Angelo and Ann Berryhill Endowed Chair and Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Law, UC Davis
      Chiapei Chou, Executive Vice President, National Taiwan University
      Marian Mahat, Senior Research Fellow, Melbourne Graduate School of Education

      • モデレーター:
        Derlie Mateo-Babiano, Associate Professor and Assistant Dean, Diversity and Inclusion at the Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne

        • 開催方法:オンライン

          • 言語:英語

            • 募集対象:学部生、大学院生