
<Closed>【23rd-24th June】RENKEI Researcher Online Workshop in Health

RENKEI, the Japan-UK Research and Education Network for Knowledge Economy Initiatives of 6 Japanese and 6 UK universities including Kyushu University, would like to invite researchers from all fields to participate in the first RENKEI researcher workshop on the topic of health. The workshop will be held online on Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 June. Participants should have interest/expertise in at least one of the workshop subthemes; Patient Safety, Medicine & Informatics or Ageing. There is no participation fee. The workshop will take place in English.
Anyone who is a researcher and student of Kyushu University can participate in this event, so please feel free to register.

Event Poster


[Day 1, Wed. 23 June, 9:00 – 11:25 (UK)/ 17:00 – 19:25 (Japan) ]
Matt KNOWLES, Director, British Council Japan
Julia LONGBOTTOM, British ambassador to Japan
Prof. Kazuhito KAWAKITA, Vice-President, Head of Institute of International Education and Exchange, Nagoya University

[Guest speakers]
JSPS, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Jenny White, Sasakawa Foundation

[Keynote speakers]
Prof. Kensaku MORI, Department of Intelligent Science, Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University
“Future of AI-based medicine”
Prof. Dame Louise ROBINSON, Professor of Primary Care and Ageing & Regius Professor of Ageing, Newcastle University
“21st century dementia care: time for a new approach?”

[Presentation Session 1: Patient Safety]
Presentations (5 presenters) and panel discussion

[Day 2, Thurs. 24 June, 9:00 – 11:50 (UK)/ 17:00 – 19:50 (Japan)]
[Presentation Session 2: Medicine and Informatics]
Presentations (8 presenters) and panel discussion

[Presentation Session 3: Aging]
Presentations (6 presenters) and panel discussion

Feedback from each session (Chairs)
Information about future plans


Kyushu University Stockholm Liaison Office