
【Recording Available】18 May RENKEI seminar and statement on the UK ISPF program

In May 2023, RENKEI (Japan-UK Research and Education Network for Knowledge Economy Initiatives) hosted the RENKEI Seminar: ISPF - accelerating Japan-UK scientific collaboration' to introduce this new research funding programe to university representatives in Japan and the UK.

During the seminar, representative of RENKEI member universities discussed the opportunities and potential for UK-Japan scientific and technological research collaboration and human resource development that the ISPF could create.

The archive recording of the seminar can be viewed from the link below. RENKEI have also created a short message video in which members of the RENKEI network share their ideas for the opportunities this new programe brings.

At the seminar, RENKEI shared a joint statement by member universities titled 'UK-Japan collaboration in the age of ISPF'. You can see the statement from the link below.

【The archive recordings】

Videos and a joint statement