Japanese Academic Courses (JACs)
Fundamental Subjects for Language and Culture, Japanese
開講場所 Course Location
伊都キャンパス センター5号館
Center Zone 5 at ITO Campus
対象学生 Eligible students
- 学部正規留学生
- 九州大学留学生センターが提供するプログラムの参加学生
- 大学間/部局間交流協定に基づき、各学部に所属する留学生
- Regular undergraduate international students
- Students participating in the program provided by Kyushu University International Student Center
- International students affiliated to an undergraduate school as part of a student exchange program through university-level and faculty-level institutional partnerships
コース Course
90-minute class, twice a week, 15 weeks
JACs offers Japanese language classes for students who aim to earn credits for learning Japanese as part of their academic activities. This course consists of four different types of courses: Integrated Japanese, Kanji, Speaking and Writing. Classes are offered at eight levels, ranging from introductory to advanced. Kyushu University will award credits and a grade to students upon completion of each course.
To take the course, you will need to register at the appropriate time before the beginning of the new semester.
受講ガイド Enrollment Guide
JACsの受講登録の手順は, 在籍区分(身分)や所属学部、プログラムによって異なります。
まずは, 自分の所属するコースの受講ガイドをよく読んでください。
The procedure of JACs registration differs depending on your enrollment category (or status), faculty and program. First, please read carefully the enrollment guide of the course that is appropriate to you.
・Japan in Today’s World (JTW)
・日本語・日本文化研修コース Japanese Language and Culture Courses (JLCC)
・日本語研修コース Japanese Training for Advanced Studies (JTAS)
・学部所属交換留学生 Exchange Students affiliated to an undergraduate school
・農学部・工学部学士課程国際コース(2023秋入学) IUPE in Faculty of Engineering and Agriculture(Fall 2023 Enrollment)
・農学部・工学部学士課程国際コース(2024秋入学) IUPE in Faculty of Engineering and Agriculture(Fall 2024 Enrollment)
・共創学部(2023年度)Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation(AY2022 & 2023 Enrollment)
・共創学部(2024秋入学)Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation(2024 Enrollment)
注意: 以下の学生はJACsを受講できません。
Note: The following students can not enroll in JACs.
– Graduate Students
– Research Students
– Visiting Researchers
– Spouses of international students/ researchers