

1. Qualifications

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. Spring 2024:Offered only for Japanese Government (MEXT/Monbukagakusho) Scholarship students at Kyushu University or the institutes located in a Northern Kyushu area. Those who have permission from their supervisors during the application procedure for MEXT
  2. Fall 2024: Open to international students enrolled in Kyushu University. However, applicants must meet all of the following conditions from a) to f).
  1. International Student who enrolled in Kyushu University after Spring 2023(graduate students/research students who already have student ID and whose visa status is “student”).
  2. Those who have communication proficiency in English and need to learn Japanese for use in research or in research facilities.
  3. Those who have never learnt Japanese or wish to learn Japanese from zero beginner level.
  4. Students who can complete the entire 5-month course without dropping out from October 2024 to February 2025.
  5. Those who are able to attend all classes and relevant activities at Ito Campus, Kyushu University.
  6. Those who have permission from their supervisors.

2. Location

Center Zone 5, Ito Campus

3. Application Period:

For Fall 2024: From early September to early October,2024

4. How to apply in Fall 2024:

To apply for JTAS, you are required to fill in the application form, which can be downloaded here. And then submit it to the International Student Exchange Division before the deadline. Please make sure to obtain the signature of an academic supervisor in the application form.


Application requirements (English)
Application form (Word)
Application form (PDF)

5. Contact Information

JTAS Office, International Student Exchange Division
Tel: 092 (802)2292


1. 受講資格

  1. 2024年度春学期:九州大学及び九州北部地域の国立大学法人に進学予定の⽇本政府奨学⾦留学⽣を対象としてコースを開講。ただし受⼊申請時に指導教員の許可を得た者。
  2. 2024年度秋学期:九州⼤学に所属する留学生を対象としてコースを開講。  ただし、次のa)〜f)の条件を全て満たす者。
    1. 2023年度春学期以降に入学した留学生(学生番号を有する大学院生もしくは研究生で、 在留資格が「留学」である者。)
    2. 大学院での研究や研究室でのコミュニケーションにおいて日本語が必要で、 かつ英語でのコミュニケーション能力がある者。
    3. 日本語を学んだ事がない、もしくはゼロ初級から学びたい者。
    4. 2024年10月から2025年2月までの5か月間、コース途中で辞めずに学期末まで参加できる者。
    5. 伊都キャンパスにて全ての授業と活動に参加できる者。
    6. 指導教員の許可を得た者。

2. 場所

伊都キャンパス センターゾーン 5号館

3. 秋学期の募集期間:

2024年9⽉初旬 ~10月初旬まで

4. 2024年秋学期の応募方法:




5. 問い合わせ先

Tel: 092 (802)2292