1. Academic Calendar
Please see the current/latest academic calendar of the JTW program here:
2. Program Rules & Policies
IMPORTANT – all JTW participants are required to review carefully, understand fully, and abide consistently by the following rules, guidelines, and policies, and further to consult in a timely way with JTW faculty coordinators and/or JTW office staff members, should questions or problems regarding these arise. All communications will be treated with complete confidentiality. Noncompliant behaviors may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or dismissal from the Program, among other consequences.

Program’ s General Guidelines
- All JTW participants need to be aware that very often they are viewed in Japan as ambassadors from their home countries and should therefore conduct themselves responsibly. At all times participants are expected to behave in a mature and responsible manner, as their actions reflect also on Kyushu University and the JTW Program. It is important to realize and to remember that one’s comments, facial expressions, gestures, appearance, demeanor, and so on all potentially leave lasting impressions, and can affect relationships and the quality of the JTW experience.
- All JTW participants must fully observe Japanese law, always mindful that the legal rights, protections, and guarantees that apply in their home countries do not carry force or necessarily have parallels in Japan.
- The JTW Program strictly prohibits, and will consider as grounds for Program suspension or dismissal, forms of misbehavior that include, but are not limited to:
- The manufacture, possession, use, distribution, and/or sale of illegal drugs or substances;
- Underage (younger than age 20) possession and/or consumption of alcohol;
- Endangering behavior (whether to self or to others), physical assault of another person, and/or other forms of disorderly conduct; and
- Harassment and/or sexual misconduct of any kind or degree.
- As members of Kyushu University’s campus community, all JTW participants are also required to be familiar with and to observe the University’s conduct and safety policies, guidelines and rules. Core policies and rules are explained at the JTW Program Orientation and the University-wide New International Student Orientations, and in the Living Guidebook for Kyushu University International Students and Researchers (written in both Japanese and English), which is available online at: here

Academic Rules & Policies
- The JTW Program is designed to be academically engaging and challenging. While clearly it is important for students to experience life outside of the formal educational environment, JTW participants are obliged to remember that they have been admitted to the Program partly on the strength of their past academic performance. Kyushu University will expect from each student the same academic commitment and effort as demonstrated at their home university.
- Kyushu University maintains and enforces strict attendance requirements for all classes offered through the JTW Program. Failure to keep up good attendance may result in a grade reduction or denial of course credits by the course instructor.
- Students must fulfill all indicated course requirements in a timely fashion. Assignments submitted late and without valid excuse may either be refused or subject to a grade reduction. Time extensions to complete coursework beyond the end of a semester are not permitted.
- Students who do not meet the JTW full enrollment requirement, as defined above under “JTW Academic Requirements,” whether because of failure to satisfy class work, attendance, or other course requirements, are, pending fair and timely consideration of the circumstances, subject to dismissal from the program.
- In addition to the requirement to attend classes (see above), attendance is mandatory for JTW participants at certain special events held during the course of the academic year, including the Program orientation, International Student orientation, opening and closing ceremonies, and independent study project oral presentations, as well as at occasional receptions and other designated activities. Occasions marked by an “@” symbol on the JTW academic calendar above require your presence and/or participation.
- Participation in study trips is optional though strongly encouraged. To ensure smooth planning, and out of courtesy to the Program staff who must organize and budget for the trips, JTW expects that all students who indicate an intention to join a given outing will follow through in good faith and otherwise inform the staff, in a timely way, of a subsequent decision not to attend. When occasionally participation fees are required, students should pay promptly and in the manner requested. Because large-group traveling often demands a greater level of coordination, study trips sometimes involve a degree of regimentation and loss of participant autonomy, which students are asked to understand and accommodate.
- JTW students are required for all course work to observe the conventional standards of ethical academic practice. The Program prohibits–and will consider as grounds for grade reduction, denial of course credits, or Program dismissal–forms of academic misconduct that include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, performance deception, cheating, and deliberate falsification of data. Especially with respect to their submitted written assignments and oral presentations, JTW students must ensure, to the extent reasonable, that:
- Original authorship of ideas, factual claims, argumentation, theories, expressive forms (e.g., prose, figures, tables, etc.), and the like has been appropriately identified and referenced (see Independent Study Project formatting guidelines for proper citation models);
- The collection and analysis of research data and the presentation of findings and citations have been free of fabrication, distortion, suppression, and other types of misrepresentation.
- Questions regarding the above should be addressed, in a timely way, to the course instructor and/or JTW faculty coordinators.
- All course enrollments and all academic results obtained by the student while on the JTW Program will be reported to his or her home university, regardless of the individual’s preference or performance. Transfer of credits and grades to the student’s record, however, requires home university approval and action. Withdrawal of students from courses after published JTW and faculty registration deadlines is not permitted except under extenuating circumstances, and requires approval from the JTW coordinator.

Administrative Rules & Policies
- All JTW students must pay all required fees (e.g., housing rent, study trip fees, and, in the case of students from non-partner institutions, tuition and other assessed fees) promptly and in the manner requested.
- All JTW students are required by regulation to maintain valid, comprehensive health (sickness and accident) insurance, for the duration of their participation period, under the Japanese National Health Insurance (NHI) program. Enrollment takes place during the JTW orientation period, and premiums are to be paid in a timely manner as stipulated. In addition, all students upon starting the JTW Program will be expected to sign up for the Emergency Security Plan (ESP) and pay the required premium as indicated.
- Non-essential travel during semester-time should be undertaken only in the knowledge that any resulting class absences, if incurred without prior instructor approval or otherwise valid reason, may result in grade reduction or denial of course credits. Sightseeing, including touring with visiting family and friends, is not considered a valid reason for missing class or other required program activities.
- Early departure from the JTW Program – regardless of your study period (one year or one semester) – is not permitted except under very special circumstances (e.g., academic or medical necessity, family emergency, etc.) and requires, as the situation allows, timely notification of, and consideration by, the JTW faculty coordinators.
- While living in University-owned housing, all JTW participants must comply fully with the rules and regulations as established by the housing management office. They are expected at all times to be considerate of co-residents and respectful of housing staff, facilities, and property. Consumption of alcohol and smoking in the buildings and on the building grounds where JTW students are placed is strictly prohibited. Noise (that is, voices, music, and other sounds loud enough to disturb the sleep, study, and peace of other residents) is also not permitted, regardless of time and place. Students are held responsible for knowing and complying with these and all other housing regulations as discussed during orientation and in the related materials distributed upon move-in. Willful violation or disregard of any of the regulations may result in, upon official review of the circumstances, withdrawal of residential privileges, requiring the student to vacate his/her room, as well as other disciplinary measures.
- Students may accept part-time jobs during the JTW Program period providing they receive clearance for each job from the Fukuoka Immigration Bureau. Kyushu University maintains strict rules, with which JTW students must comply, regarding the amount and type of work allowed.
3. Accommodation

All JTW students are provided – and are required to live in – university-provided, self-catering residence facilities on Ito campus, where the program is based. The facilities include Dormitory 1, Dormitory 2 and Harmony House (Kyosokan). Main classrooms, cafeteria options, and the university’s headquarter building (Shiiki Hall) and the Central Library, the university’s largest library, are all within close walking distance.
Each student is guaranteed a furnished room with balcony and private bath. Each room is fitted with a single bed, futon and sheets, writing desk with lamp, chair, wardrobe, kitchenette, refrigerator and a combined air conditioner/heater. Coin-operated washing machines and dryers are also available in public spaces.
Students are urged to bring with them a laptop computer with Ethernet cable and Wi-Fi capability for room and campus-wide internet access and use.
Dormitory 1
674 Kuwabara, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0382 JAPAN
Tel: +81-92-807-7188
Dormitory 2
674 Kuwabara, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0382 JAPAN
Tel: +81-92-806-6841
Harmony House (Kyosokan)
522 Kuwabara, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0382 JAPAN
Tel: +81-92-806-5779

4. Living Costs
Kyushu University is located in Fukuoka City, where living costs are significantly lower than in other major cities in the country such as Tokyo, Kyoto or Osaka, not least because the easy access to campus cuts down on local transportation costs.
Students will need approximately 100,000 – 120,000 Yen a month to get by, depending on their dormitory room choice and habitual use of utilities including water and electricity. What follows is an estimate of a very rough monthly budget:
Dormitory Room Rent | 16,500-25,500 Yen* |
Dormitory Upkeep | 4,500 Yen |
Utilities (Water & Electricity) | 15,000 Yen (will vary with usage) |
Food | 30,000 Yen** |
Local Transportation | 10,000 Yen (individual spending habits may vary) |
Books & Supplies | 5,000 Yen (instructors typically provide reading materials in class) |
Internet Service | 3,000 Yen |
Health Insurance | 2,000 Yen |
Personal Expenses | 20,000 Yen (individual spending habits may vary) |
One-off Charges include:
Dormitory Room Deposit | 30,000 Yen*** |
Half-year Futon Rental | 5,000 Yen |
Dormitory Internet Set-up | 10,000 Yen |
Emergency Security Plan | 1,500 Yen (valid for one year) |
* Dormitory room rental fee is normally assessed on a monthly basis.
** Lunch at the school cafeteria runs about 350-400 Yen, and students typically prepare their own breakfast and dinner at the dormitory.
*** This is refundable in full upon room-vacating, less any assessed damages.

5. Campus Life
Most JTW classes are held in Center Zone 5 building on Ito Campus, and much of Ito Campus offers free wireless internet access. An International Students’ Lounge, located right across the hallway from one of the main classrooms, is also available for rest and study.
There are several cafeterias on Ito campus open for lunch and dinner that serve typical, everyday Japanese dishes at affordable prices, around 250 to 450 yen; discount tickets for these meals can be bought at the adjacent snack shops.
Kyushu University offers a wide range of club activities from classical music and tea ceremony to archery, swimming, volleyball, and Japanese traditional martial arts, including Judo, Kendo and Karate. These activities meet on a regular basis and are an excellent way for international students to make Japanese friends. In the past, in fact, some JTW students have gone on to represent the university in local orchestras, kendo, rugby, aikido, and baseball! If interested in adding a highly rewarding extra-curricular dimension to your JTW experience, the JTW program encourages you to do so, and your JTW student tutors will help you become involved.
All JTW students will have use of the university’s athletic facilities, including a gym, with its weight-training and martial arts rooms, basketball court, and more.

6. Health & Healthcare
All JTW student are well supported to maintain their wellbeing including their health. Kyushu University’s Center for Health Sciences and Counseling (CHC) provides a variety of support for all campus members, including JTW students, when any concern arises regarding their physical/mental health and disabilities issues. The CHC operates several branch offices across all campuses, including Ito campus.
Along with basic infirmary services for addressing respectively minor physical issues, CHC also offers free-of-charge multicultural student counseling services for international students. Students may access such services in English, Chinese, and Korean as well as Japanese.
See more details on the website of Kyushu University’s Center for Health Sciences and Counseling at:
Counseling and Health Center Kyushu University
In addition, Ito Clinic, a branch of a regular hospital, and a registered pharmacy opened in 2019 at the Center Zone area of Ito campus. Specializing primarily in infirmary and psychosomatic medicine, Ito Clinic provides JTW students with full medical treatment when necessary.
CHC branch offices on Ito campus, Ito Clinic, and the pharmacy are all located within walking distance from where JTW students live and study.

All JTW students are required to sign up for Japanese National Health Insurance (NHI). This costs approximately 17,000 Yen annually, with premium payments comfortably spread out in monthly installments. The NHI covers 70% of medical bills (hospital fees and related medical expenses).
By law, JTW students are not permitted to substitute their home coverage for the Japanese NHI coverage, although such a program may be useful for eventual reimbursement of expenses not covered by NHI (30% of assessed fees).
In addition to the NHI, all JTW students are to purchase, upon arrival, the Emergency Security Plan (ESP), which costs about 1,500 Yen for the year. The ESP provides phone-based Japanese-English translation help when receiving medical treatment and assistance locating treatment centers anywhere in Japan, among other benefits that will be explained during orientation.
The JTW program also recommends that all students purchase travel insurance for emergency-related evacuation and repatriation costs, which NHI and ESP do not cover.
7. Library Guide
JTW students enjoy full access to all resources available through Kyushu University Central Library and Q-Commons Library, both of which are located very close to their residential facilities and main classrooms.
The Central Library was built in 2018, aiming to grow as one of the libraries “supporting the next 100 years as one of the top brands in Asia.” As one of the largest libraries in the country, the Central Library proudly provide a wealth of academic books, including those in humanities and social sciences, in Japanese, English, and other languages. Foreign newspapers, international magazines, reference books and multilingual computers are also readily available. All JTW students have full access via the Central Library to thousands of online academic journals published from around the world for their own research.
Please visit the Central Library at:
Kyushu University Library